Dental Care in Grand Ledge
for the Whole Family.

We provide superior care to get you onto the path of improved dental health.

We are pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Kyle Mulder to our dental team. I look forward to working with Dr. Mulder, who will provide the same high standards and quality care you are accustomed to receiving at our office.

In response to COVID-19, we are meeting the requirements of the MDA, ADA and CDC to protect both our patients and dental team.

We placed a surgical air filtration system in our building 2 years ago; far ahead of current recommendations and have always practiced universal precautions.

416 E River St • Grand Ledge, MI 48837

ph. (517) 627-9081 • fax (517) 627-8239


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Copyright 2024 Grand Ledge Family Dentistry